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‘A Cruel Thing To Do’: Meghan Markle’s Dad Says She And Prince Harry Deny Him Access To Grandchildren

Thomas Markle accused Meghan Markle and Prince Harry of denying him the right to see his grandchildren during an interview with “Good Morning Britain” on Monday.

Thomas said his daughter’s actions were shocking to him, and he issued a plea to have access to his grandchildren. He noted he is approaching 80 and time is not on his side.

“I’m heartbroken. I am very upset,” Thomas said on the show. “This is a cruel thing to do to a grandparent – to deny the right to see a grandchild.”

Thomas said that he is aware it’s within his legal right to demand to see his grandchildren, but he is opting not to pursue a legal avenue at this time.

“In California, I can actually sue to see them but I don’t want to do that,” he said.

“The other thing is I’ve done nothing wrong. There’s nothing that points to say I’m a bad guy,” he said.

Thomas defended his character and stated his confusion over how Meghan has been treating him.

“I’m a really loving father and she knows that, and there’s no excuse for treating me this way – no excuse to treat grandparents that way,” he said.

Thomas described the close bond he used to share with his daughter.

“Meghan lived with me from sixth grade to high school and I never saw anything like that,” he said, making reference to how estranged the father and daughter are from one another at this time.

“I never saw the kind of woman she turned into. I am shocked,” he said.

“She is not the person I knew as my daughter.”

Markle pointed the finger right at Meghan, and shifted the blame away from Prince Harry, saying he knows his daughter is the one calling the shots. (RELATED: REPORT: Meghan Markle’s Dad Allegedly Threatened To Kill Tabloid Owner)

“I am always here for her, I still love her – I’ll love her forever. That will never change but I want her to reach out to me and let me see my grandkids and let me have a little peace,” he said.

“People go to prison for five years and they’re forgiven – I didn’t do anything. So forgive me I guess,” he said.

“I would always apologize for anything I’ve done wrong. I’m sorry if I have,” he said.

Meghan’s father commented that King Charles has also been wrongfully denied access to his grandchildren.

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